Holy Orders
Degrees of orders:
deacon-diaconate -sahres in Christ's mission by assissting bishops and priests in the service of the Church
bishop-episcopate - receives the fulness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders an dcontinues teh Apostles' mission of leadership and service
priest-presbyterate - ordained to preach the Gospel and serve the fatihful, especially by celebrating the Eucharist and the other sacraments
If you have made the Sacrament of Holy Orders you a helping to lead the Church
In the sacramental act called ordination, men receive one or more of the three degrees of Holy Orders
Bishops are responsible for the worship of the Church, assisting in caring for the sick and needy, and preach bout Jesus and the words of the Apostles

*Sacraments of Service of Communion*
-ways to servce God, the Church, and the community
Through the Sacrament of Matrimony, a baptized man and woman enter a lifelong commitment to live as faithful and loving partners. The married couple becomes one in their service for others. The married couple's expression of their love includes the procreation of new life and the moral spiritual education of their children. The Rite of Marriage begins as the deacon or priest asks the couple three important questions: Are they free to give themselves in Marriage? Will they love and honor each other for the rest of their lives? Will they lovingly accept children from God and raise them in the faith? As a sign of their union with Jesus, the bride and groom receive communion.